Car Parking in New York City

When operating a vehicle in New York City, it would be best for motorists to regard the entire metropolitan area as one huge tow away zone. In other words, any violation of city driving and parking regulations, regardless of severity, may result in having your car towed away.  On major legal holidays, parking may be allowed in places where they usually are not. The one exception to this is when the "No Parking" sign indicates that it is in effect every day of the week.

It is a good idea to check the whole block and read all the signs while car parking in New York City. If there are two parking signs or more within the same general area, the most restrictive sign takes precedence. If there are no signs, please remember that parking within 15 feet of either side of a fire hydrant is not allowed at all times, as well as double parking. It doesn't matter if you plead "emergency", or reason out "it's only for a short while.” It also doesn't matter if you're illegally parked car is occupied or not.

Alternate Side Parking and Street Cleaning Rules

Motorists who park their vehicles anywhere in New York City should bear in mind that Alternate Side parking signs are not all the same. The majority of them bear the letter "P" with a broom through it. Others are marked with the standard 3-hour notations (8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, for example).

Alternate side parking rules may be in effect on some areas with parking meters. When these rules are suspended for a major holiday, the parking meters should still be fed with quarters to avoid a parking violation.

Sunday Exceptions

On Sundays, car parking in New York City is permissible without paying the meter. Rules regarding alternate side parking are suspended. Motorists, however, must adhere to the parking rules that are in effect even during Sundays (such as those signs with the word "Anytime").

Parking in School Zones

Parking is permitted in school zones when schools are on a break. Parking restrictions still apply, however, if the schools are conducting summer sessions or teacher meetings.  The school should be contacted to confirm that it is in recess. If you wish to find the telephone number of a particular school, you have the following options:

  • Dial 311 and get the school phone number from the "Find a School" service
  • Dial 212-504-4115 if you are hearing impaired
  • Dial 212-NEW-YORK if you are calling outside the general New York City area

T-Intersection Parking

When two streets intersect and cross, it resembles the letter "X". A T-Intersection is when they don't cross; the top line of the T is usually referred to as the major street, with the up-down line as the minor street.

Since December 2008, traffic regulations in NYC have been changed so that motorists can park at T-Intersections where the major street is not marked with a crosswalk, not regulated by all-way stop signs, and not controlled by traffic signals.

All these rules may seem complex at first. But like other facets of driving, it will become easier to remember and understand over time.


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